Our Services

 We strive to provide you with the intelligent solutions through our quality assured construction steel detailing to offer the premium quality long lasting infrastructure.

Structural Steel Detailing

HNS Detailing is committed to provide precisely detailed Commercial, Industrial and residential steel structures. Structural detailing is a critical process of structural engineering and demands 100% accuracy. Our structural team holds tremendous skills to produce quality drawings .WE utilizes Design Data’s SDS/2 technology to help produce high quality shop drawings and erection plans, in addition to the field bolt list, shop bolt lists and material lists on schedule.

Miscellaneous Steel Detailing

With the use of SDS/2 software technology and AutoDesk Inventor, to guide us in producing a wide range in scope of miscellaneous detailed drawings. We have our dedicated Miscellaneous team specialized in detailing complex Stairs, Ladders, Gates and Rails with 100% accuracy.

Connection Design HNS Detailing

As a leading structural steel detailing company we offer best quality structural steel connection design services to steel fabricators. To maintain an adherence to international standards in engineering we are associated with Structural engineers around USA and Canada. In nut shell, we can provide connection designs and PE Stamping around all states of USA.


HNS Detailing offers a wide range of reports from standard to custom designed. We cover from ABM’s to BOM’s as well as Field Bolt Lists, Shop Bolt Lists, Material Summary Reports, Finish, Galvanizing, Plate Reports, Sequence Reports, Connection Design and various files such as Kiss files, CNC files, EJE files and DXF files to our customers.


We at HNS Detailing have dedicated estimation team to estimate detailing time and cost depending upon the size and complexity of the project. We always try to give the most competitive price and schedule to help our clients to win the projects.

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